Culinary Responsibility is the core value of Regenerative Kitchens. People’s current food choices harm the climate, vitality, and health largely, and seven out of ten deaths are food and lifestyle-related. Food production has a substantial impact on global warming due to land and water use, loss of biodiversity, use of agrochemicals, and so on. Decisions about food are made everywhere and every day in restaurants, schools, hospitals and of course at home. All these daily decisions have an impact on the food system and society. We need to raise consciousness about what we eat and drink or serve.

[Mediterranean Foodscape]: Climate change is at the end of everyone’s fork. An understanding where food comes from, how it’s prepared, and how to use and reduce waste is essential to create awareness and to enable people to take culinary responsibility.Be sure to do your research on the places you usually go to buy your food and seek out other alternatives such as farmers’ markets and food co-operatives where allotment owners gather to sell fresh produce.

[Waste & Circular Systems]: Consumers in developed economies, waste more food due to the low cost of food relative to disposable income, high standards for the appearance of food, and a lack of understanding of the realities of food production. The amount of available food per person in retail stores and restaurants increased during the last decades. Many restaurants serve buffets at fixed prices, which encourages people to fill their plates with more food than they can eat. Retail stores offer large packages and “getting one for free” bargains. Likewise, food manufactures produce oversized ready to eat meals (Stuart, 2009).

[Humana Communitas]: Basic food, local and nutritious food should become our new realities, together with a renewed appreciation for the value of kitchens themselves, as places for the family to share the meal and restore social connection despite social distancing.

Participants will investigate how to address Culinary Responsibility and about the power and consequences of decisions and choices that are made in the kitchen, including environmental impact, food miles, humanitarian impact as well as human vitality concerns. Learn to interpret and apply nutrition concepts to evaluate and improve the nutritional health of individuals with medical conditions