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“Mediterranean Diet – Lifestyle for a Sustainable Future. A cultural asset, a strategic tool for Sustainable Development”

Interactive multi-stakeholder Panel Discussion followed by a Tasting of typical products of the Mediterranean Diet at United Nations in New York

The event will take place on Friday, 18 November 2022 from 10.30 am to 12:00 a.m. EST in Conference Room 8 and online and is organized by the Permanent Mission of Italy and the Permanent Mission of Marocco at the UN, in partnership with the Mediterranean Diet Network, the Italian Coordination of the UNESCO Emblematic Community of the Mediterranean Diet with the support of Future Food Institute.

Follow the event on UN Media TV.

In October 2022, the Permanent mission of Italy and the Permanent mission of Marocco at United Nation, with the Municipality of Pollica, the Mediterranean Diet Study Center “Angelo Vassallo,” and the Future Food Institute, with the support of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture are organizing a series of High-Level events in New York to explore the opportunity to foster mutual actions to strengthen Mediterranean alliances and promote “Mediterranean Diet” has a strategic asset for sustainable development.